If you are newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia, or you’ve tried everything and nothing has seemed to help! this is the course for you.

The course will be released weekly. There are 9 modules with a bonus at the end. We will also meet every week to discuss any issues you may be having during the modules. After going through the course you will walk away feeling empowered to advocate for yourself. You will receive life coaching as well as health coaching. We will start with where you need support, after we will focus on the root cause, not the symptoms. After we get to the root cause then we move to diet and movement. Below you will find the outline of the course and what you will receive.

a woman wearing a  green jacket and looks happy

Fibromyalgia Course.

  • We will walk through each module and start to focus on mindset. In order to see a change you have to be willing to change. We will discover your why. Why do you want to feel better? why did you sign up for this course? All these will be addressed by the end of this module.

  • In this module, you will get to know yourself! we will explore where you need support. we will also explore what makes you happy. Your’e probably thinking what does this have to with fibromyalgia? When we first explore the root cause, not the symptoms we can start our healing process.

  • Journaling helps keep your symptoms in control. It helos improve your mood by writing down and working through your stress. It improves mindfulness and helps you make sense of how you’re feeling.

  • This helps with keeping your stress levels down. With fibromyalgia, we have to learn to keep stress at bay. You will be able to see where you focus most of your time and where you can improve so you can find some me time. This way you will be able to start to introduce more self-care.

  • How are you feeling? where do you need support? I will host a Zoom call where you can ask questions, and get the support you need from me and our community.

  • I will give you a list of foods to incorporate into your diet. An anti-inflammatory diet is good because with fibromyalgia our bodies have high levels of inflammation. incorporating these foods will help to keep the levels downs and this will help reduce the number of flares you have.

  • Moving our bodies is another great source of reducing inflammation by getting the blood and fluids moving throughout your body. Sitting for long periods of time increases your chance of heart disease among other chronic illnesses, and also increases your flare reoccurrences. Included in this module there will be live (2) 15-minute videos of beginners’ yoga and a tracking sheet of your movement to help you stay on track and to also keep track of how you’re feeling during/after each movement.

  • A sleep tracker will be included with this module. The tracker will serve as a guide to see if you’re getting enough sleep and how much sleep is a good number for you. Lack of good quality sleep increases your chances of multiple flare reoccurrence, heart disease, depression, and obesity. Insufficient sleep is linked to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes as well. Let’s get you back to sleeping well and feeling great!.

  • In this module, you will walk through using cannabis and other herbs to help facilitate wellness and pain relief. I will give yolu a list of herbs to incorporate into your diet and recipe on how to make teas so you can use the herbs.

  • I will teach you basic knowledge on the many ways you can use cannabis medicinally and the many health benefit of cnnabis.